Meet Casper

Casper is looking forward to a brighter future.

"Despite my past, I'm still a happy-go-lucky pup!"







Large (40-70 pounds)

  • His activity level is active.


  • Labrador Retriever
  • Mixed Breed

Get to Know Casper

Casper was picked up by wardens as a stray caught in a trap. It was clear to see he hasn't had the best life, quite underweight and staining on his fur from what we can imagine was life stuck in a kennel with his own excrement. He was nervous on day one but by the second day he was all tail wags and butt wiggles, happy to see anyone near, just looking to get some attention. He is a wonderfully sweet boy who loves making friends and giving hugs to everyone he meets. All he wants is to be held close and loved. Casper is the type of boy who gives you the warm fuzzies just by being around him, even for a short while. He has a delightful personality despite all he's been through; we can only imagine what type of future he can have, no doubt better than his past.

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