- January 31, 2025
Sweetheart Special
Looking for a loyal companion to warm your heart? Now’s the perfect time!
At the Decatur & Macon County Animal Shelter Foundation, our mission is to support the well being of homeless animals in our community. We raise funds to provide care and treatment to the animals held at the public Macon County Animal Control & Care Center.
Follow the animal shelter's latest news, tips, and community happenings.
Looking for a loyal companion to warm your heart? Now’s the perfect time!
National Chip Your Pet Month was created to encourage and educate responsible pet owners in the importance of microchipping your loved one.
Spring is in the Air and So Are Heartworm Disease Spreading Mosquitos! Read here to learn about heartworms, and why year around preventive is necessary!
We have a special '"thank you" for your sacrifice and service!
This often-misunderstood dog has also been known as America's Sweetheart
Similar to foster to adopt, you can now take home an animal with an approved application to see if it is a good fit!
Upcoming events at the Decatur Public Library with Humane Educator Kim Schwalbach and her dog Lady Mary
Canine Parvovirus, commonly known as Parvo, is a highly contagious disease that affects a dog's gastrointestinal tract and is spread through direct and indirect contact.
Feline Upper Respiratory Infection (URI) can affect cats of all ages. Read below to see common symptoms and treatment.